Introducing the Spathe Inline Concept Rods – Delivering an Unmatched Fishing Experience with Enhanced Sensitivity, Seamless Design, and No Guides or Tip Wrap.
The Spathe Inline concept rods redefine the fishing experience with their unique design that seamlessly combines enhanced sensitivity, stress distribution, and ease of use. Unlike traditional jigging rods, our Inline rods feature a single stripper guide that feeds the line into the inner core of the blank, eliminating the need for guides and the possibility of tip wrap.
This innovative design evenly distributes stress throughout the blank, resulting in a smooth bend and a seamless fishing experience. The Inline concept is perfect for Slow Pitch and high-pitch Jigging rods, providing anglers unparalleled sensitivity and control.
The constant contact between the line and the inside of the blank and Temple Reef’s Direct Sensitivity System™ (DSS) elevates the sensitivity of the Spathe Inline concept rods to new heights. As a result, anglers can easily detect hookups, head shakes, fish movements, and even hook slips, enabling them to make real-time adjustments and improve their overall fishing experience.
Lastly, the Spathe Inline concept rods simplify packing and transportation, making them an excellent choice for avid anglers on the go. The lack of guides means you can fit twice the number of rods into your rod tube, making storage and transportation more efficient and convenient.
Experience a fishing trip with the Spathe Inline concept rods, where enhanced sensitivity, seamless design, and ease of use combine to deliver an unmatched fishing experience.

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